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#29 Bluetooth Wireless Stereo Headphones

Retail price: $40

Opening bid: $15

No more annoying wires catching on everything while you walk around and listen on these brand new bluetooth wireless stereo headphones!

To bid:

Leave a comment below with your bid amount. A comment by our moderator will indicate the end of the auction and the winning bid.

Highest Bidder/Winner:

You will be contacted directly by a member of the SLC Staff for payment and item pickup arrangements once the Silent Auction is closed.

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4 comentários

Elaine Laroa
26 de nov. de 2023

Congratulations Jeanette Voelm for your winning $35 bid!


25 de nov. de 2023



James Trapp
James Trapp
19 de nov. de 2023

Just what I was looking for. I bid $30


Mac McAdams
19 de nov. de 2023



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