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#41 Trader Joe's $50 Gift Card (3)

Retail price: $50

Opening bid: $25

$50 gift card to spend at any Trader Joe's Market grocery store. There are three separate $50 Trader Joe's gift cards available so be sure to continue bidding on the same gift card(s) you're hoping to win!

Donated by: Linda Paoli

To bid:

Leave a comment below with your bid amount. A comment by our moderator will indicate the end of the auction and the winning bid.

Highest Bidder/Winner:

You will be contacted directly by a member of the SLC Staff for payment and item pickup arrangements once the Silent Auction is closed.

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6 comentarios

Great news, Elaine. Three TJ cards. Thanks, Linda Paoli for your donation.

Sandy, do we know each other? Would you like to go with me to TJs or meet at TJs and you can spend some of one gift card since you bid on all three?

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Elaine Laroa
26 nov 2023

Congratulations Rev. Maureen White for your winning $75 bid. You got the trifecta of the 3 Trader Joe Giftcards! Thank you for your generous support.

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Rev Maureen White


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Sandy Acevedo
24 nov 2023

Sandy Acevedo. $60

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Rev. Maureen White $50 I'll go on a shopping spree at TJs with RJ

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